1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the neurodiversity-in.au moderators.

  1. No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
  2. Threatening, abusive, intolerant or illegal behavior will be removed. We have a zero tolerance approach to racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia.
  3. The Content Warning ("CW") flag should be used for anything that, again, you wouldn't feel comfortable showing to your grandmother. This includes NSFW content, gore, and other similar items.
  4. Account registrations are monitored. Even though account signups are open, your account may be suspended if a human considers it potentially fake or bot.
  5. Always be kind to each other. Don't say anything you wouldn't face to face.
  6. This server is actively moderated. You will probably not be advised of the outcome of a complaint that you made, but rest assure it will be investigated.
  7. Moderation and administration decisions are Final.
  8. This server is in NSW, and all your data will remain in Australia. We are firm believers in data sovereignty.
  9. No bots without explicit permission from the server admin team
  10. Obey Australian law and international treaties.
  11. The goal of these rules is to ensure that this remain a safe, non-judmental space where it is ok to unmask.
  12. No commercial accounts without admin approval Neurodiversity-in.au is provided without any payment required to ensure it is available for the most vulnerable in our community.